Saturday, March 6, 2010


A boy I had never seen before walked up to the Tree House last Saturday just before we began a community clean-up. He was a 4th grader named Eddie, and he did not live at W.R.T.H.'s. Eddie did like to bike though. In fact, he's the only kid who has come around the Tree House with something other than a Wal-mart bike. Because his Trek is lighter than their bikes, a couple kids tried to learn how to 'bunny-hop' on it. Eddie felt so comfortable that at lunch he volunteered to give thanks for the food.
Today, a week later, Eddie walked up to me as I was reading Isaiah1. He told me that he had read the Bible once, but he believed we were re-incarnated after death. As we talked about his reasons for this, Eddie eventually agreed that this wasn't true just because he thought it was.

I asked him if I could read about why Jesus died for him. He agreed and so I read Is.18-20:    
"Come now, let us reason together,"
       says the LORD.
       "Though your sins are like scarlet,
       they shall be as white as snow;
       though they are red as crimson,
       they shall be like wool.

I explained to Eddie what sin is and after awhile, he admitted to being a sinner. We talked about sin deserving death and Christ dying although he was perfect. My nephew then walked up covered in mud and we talked about how his clothes looked before he got dirty. I talked about Christ covering our sinfulness with his righteousness just like the mud covered Joshua's clothes.
I told him that is real for anybody that trusts these things about Jesus. I don't know how much he understood, but he said that wanted to trust Christ to cover his sin and so we prayed.
I praise God for Eddie and ask you to join me in praying for his growth in Christ.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blessing Or Bust?

An update...

1. The super bowl party was a success in that the T.V. worked, we had pleeeenty of food and drinks, and it was an exciting game. BUT, very few people came. Second yr. in a row that it wasn't much of a hit. Except last yr. we couldn't even get the game on...haha. Now we know people probably prefer to hang out in the comfort of their own home & friends during the Super Bowl.

2. Woman to Woman - It was no show.
Behind what seemed to be a bitter providence was a blessing. Jack and I found ourselves lost in each others words while satisfying our sweet tooth's with chocolate covered strawberries I had originally prepared for the girls. We laughed together, cuddled on the couch, and got to know each other even more as we shared how we were doing and what we were learning. In my mind... this "bust" was meant for the blessing that followed. I have a wonderful husband!

3. We are still waiting to see if Jack's fellow student will be hired here.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A few things to pray for...

1. Super Bowl ~  Tomorrow Jack is putting together a Super Bowl Party. Please pray residents come and that all the details get taken care of smoothly.

2. Co-Worker ~ White Rock Hills as interviewed one of Jack's fellow students to help with the social services here. She has a lot of experience with inner-city ministry from living in New York prior to Dallas. Pray she gets hired!

3. Woman to Woman ~ I am going to start a bi-weekly Bible Study/Fellowship time for the High School girls in our town homes. I'm calling it Woman to Woman. I have no idea what it will look like or where these girls will be coming from spiritually or emotionally. But, I am excited about it and believe God will work through it to offer hope & truth to these girls. It will start next Sun. Feb. 14th. at 8pm. The idea is to hold it in our home after the kids have gone to bed :) Pray this happens smoothly too!

 Come back to hear how these next two events go!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Please visit my new Blog!

Phao Photography & Poetry 
~ A Stay at Home Mom's Muse~

If you are here you are trying to read an update on The Murphys life and ministry. You are in the right place.
However, this blog was slowly becoming my own personal blog of photos so I started a separate one. 
Please come back here to see more update on our life, seminary and ministry. 
To visit my new blog,
Click on the link to the right or go to

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Brick Wall

My son is so sweet to let me play with my camera while using him as the subject. I discovered this fabulous brick wall in a run down shopping center behind our home. It's a pretty popular style of taking photos these days so I thought I would give it a try. Afterward we went to McDonalds! Here are a handfull of my favorites :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Seed of Hope in a Two Year Olds Heart

Many attempts to teach Jackson to not hurt his baby brother have failed over and over. I found myself finally doing what I should have done first, PRAY!

A book by Paul Miller called; A Praying Life has slowly been transforming this Mommy’s communication with God.

I cannot get into my child’s heart and so often I am living as if I can. So I have simply been asking God things like this, “Please help Jackson’s heart desire to not hurt Jonah, help Jackson’s heart desire to obey, or help Jackson’s heart desire to honor Jesus.” I can’t remember the last time I have had to run and “save” Jonah from his older brother! Does this mean Jackson will never hurt Jonah? No. But, something has changed in Jackson’s heart and I see it.

Last night while Jack bathed Jackson he asked him, “What did the Angel say to the women at the tomb?” Jackson’s answer blew us away, “The angel said, do not be afraid. Jesus has risen from the dead. Go and tell the disciples.” (If you can imagine a little two yr. olds imperfect pronunciation of words saying that, your heart would just melt!)

 As I mentioned earlier Jack and I are not capable of changing Jackson’s heart but God’s word is and it is being planted in him even at the age of 2. Thank you for helping us sow Seeds of Hope in East Dallas as we sow in our home.

Sow / Sowing: To scatter seed over the ground for growing, to strew or cover with something.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010